I took the time recently to update my Gamespot profile with all my games. I'm something of a collector and, much to my girlfriend's disapproval; I refuse to part with anything if I can really help it.
Go ahead and check my game collection – at time of writing there is 198 titles spread over numerous platforms. I actually have more than that but upon testing found that some of them didn't work and subsequently weren't included. I despise piracy, everything is legal and I take pride in that.
The point I'm slowing getting to is that I keep buying games before I've even reached the 3rd stage in the last game I bought. I know I'm not alone in this – why do we keep buying? I completed a game this morning (House of the Dead Overkill – also see my review). The game was about 5 hours long but I've owned it for about 6 months. When I bought it I played the first stage then didn't touch it for 5 months.
I have this thing about supporting developers. I feel if I don't buy their game quick enough that they won't get the sales figures and won't get their next project green lit. Two cases come to mind; Heavy Rain and Brutal Legend. I bought both these games at launch because I expected them to be great and because I wanted to support the developers. Sadly both let me down; Heavy Rain's selling point – 'the story' was totally underwhelming and Brutal Legend's game play meant it quickly got thrown back on the pile for who knows how long.
Ironically I play the same few games all the time. I've gotten quite good at Bad Company 2 but then I've logged 75 hours online to date so it's hard not to have picked up some skill. I just like having things – even when I don't use them and this isn't a good thing.