d_eM_s' forum posts
I'd love to have it. The music in the game is absolutely amazing... easily some of the best video game music I've ever heard. Right now, I definately think it'll beat out SSBB because so many (definately not all) of the pieces in Brawl are all nostalgia and no more. So back to the question... Is there a SMG Soundtrack or is it even possible to download these songs from anywhere? Thanks.
am i the only one who liked the toy galaxy?nintendoman562
I actually liked that galaxy but I just wish they made mecha bowser more boss like.
Omg I loved the Pending galaxy too!!!!!!!!!!!!![QUOTE="d_eM_s"]What are your favourite galaxies? I'm talking about the actual levels, like the Good Egg Galaxy and whatnot.
My top 5:
1. Garden (Not the exact name, not sure of that)
2. Good Egg
3. Battlerock
4. Space Junk
5. Pending :P
How about you guys? Post your favourites... and the ones you hate too.
*By the way I'm at about 35 stars.
Seriously... the egg one, the one where you roll on the ball, the forteress one I think.... man I forgot the damn names.....
LOL. Pending was wonderful.
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