So having spent some time with the demo of this game, set to release in January 2013, I have finally decided to pre-order this baby!!
So I would like to spent some time trying to lay your doubts to rest.
First of all, DANTE IS BACK!! And he is still a bad-ass. Not because of his hair color, or his boy-ish nature, but because he can still kick ass better than even Kratos. The controls are easy to learn for all DMC fans out there, and quite intuitive for new commers as well, and the game FINALLY give you SOME control over the camera, and in a decent way.
Now, I have to admit, when I first saw this picture, I had a bad feeling about this....
This guy looks like a mess, and not the sort of guy who would inspire anyone. The first thig that went through my mind was "What the Sh*T is this, and what does it have to do with Dante??"
Thankfully, it seems that Ninja Theory saw the error of their ways, and took a good long look at this guy, and actually listened to the cries of the fans, and instead they gave us this...
Now THIS GUY I can relate to. He seems cool, confident and looks like he could do some serious damage to some monsters and stuff, so this is acceptable.
I know that most people wanted an official sequel of the original series, but that is just not what Capcom wanted for the franchise, and I think, or rather "I KNOW" that it is unfair of people to judge Ninja Theory for trying to do what Capcom told them to do, while at the same time giving the fans a good experience with a well known character.
The reaction to the new version of Dante, seems a lot like the mass reaction to Christian Bale's version of Batman compaired to Michael Keaton, who many still think was the best, and this is also unfair. The rules have changed, because what once was, is no more, or like they say "Nothing good lasts for ever".
It's time for something new, different and maybe even (Dare I say it) BETTER than what once was..
I realize that it might be naive of me to appeal to the "Goodness" in the gamers, since if this gaming year has proved anything AT ALL, it is that most gamers do not seem to have any mercy or compassion in them, I at least want to appeal to your sences and tell you, "GO PLAY THIS GAME" or just give the Demo a try, because I was not dissappointed with it, and I doubt you will either.
Dante is a great guy even in this form, and the story has changed a bit, because today everyone wants a good story in ALL of their games.
So PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAASSSSSSSSEEE.... Giv this game a try, and give Ninja Theory the benefit of the doubt, because they know how to make good games, and if we do not give them a try, then we will have destroyed the chance of having a "Non Generic" game developer for the next generation, and all we will be stuck with are the same Call Of Duty and World of Warcrafts that have been nothing but generic and boring for so many years. If we as gamers truely want non-generic games, then we have to prove it, and it all starts here..