d_khan / Member

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How Disappointing!!!

According to reviews and fan feedback, this has been the great year of disappointments for the gaming industry, regarding the lack of functions in our games like clunky cameras and controls, publishers forcing online activation's and all the way up to the disappointing story settings in some of the most anticipated games of the last decade.

I feel an urge to cry out to EVERYONE, not just the publishers or developers, or the money hungry investors that decide the future of western games, but also to the gamers them selves. And why is that? Because the rantings that have been spewed all over the internet this year is some of the worst I've ever seen or heard, and it is in no way helping the gaming industry, gamers lashing out at the hard working developers for doing something they believed would be of interest to the broad spectrum of gamer's interests, but instead had the opposite effect.

Until just recently I thought we had heard it all with Mass Effect 3 having bad dialog and a bad ending, or Diablo 3 incorporating an always-online feature and Max Payne 3 not being dark enough, but now the turn has come to Resident Evil 6 and it caused quite the stir in the gaming community. With the series going for a broad spectrum of ideas and no longer staying true to the HORROR elements of the first 6 - 7 installments in the series, former fans felt it necessary to lash out at Capcom for just giving them another action game, claiming that the RE series is all about horror and puzzles and not about cover-shooting. This feed back I feel is misleading since it just tells the developer that we don't like action games, but strangely that is what the statistics say is the only type of games that we buy, and most Horror games are not even mentioned on any "Game of the Year" awards, but plenty of all-action games are. Earlier this year the Mass Effect series was subjected to "The Great Rant" which was devestating to Bioware and has since caused people to quit both the developer and the publisher EA, because they felt that the gaming market was not acceptant of their products or their methods, a rant that will most definately go in to the history books. Why do fans scream and cry like little girls when they don't get exactly what they want, and then demand money back or a change of in-game events all so they can get a scene where Shepard and Liara get married and have babies??? It is impossible for developers to take people serious when they behave this way, don't get me wrong, I don't like the fact that Diablo 3 has an always-online feature that you are forced to uphold, I don't like like the original endings to Mass Effect 3 but I will not start sending cupcakes to Bioware in hopes that they will change their games, but rather I would send them cupcakes in hopes that they might invite me to their studio so I could help guide them according to what I know the fans want, rather than try to force them to change something that has been launched on a global scale, and let's face it, the ending of Mass Effect 3 is NOT the worst we have ever seen, if you feel that way then you have obviously not played many games or watched many movies.

Now for the Developers and Publishers.

I realize that these people are partially to blame for this as well, if their products do not live up to the demands of the gamers, then they loose their trust in the developers, but the problem is that gamers like to splatter their oppinion all over the web :-S

In the end of this current Console generation many have turned to PC and Mobile games for new challenges and experiences, while claiming that the console games are filled with continuations and offer nothing truely new or exciting. But even when some developers dare to enter the curent console market with a brand new IP, the general gaming community simply shakes their head and goes looking for the next Call of Duty or other Main-Stream titles like it, if we really want to change the current market, then we as gamers must be willing to spend our money on other products than those we have bound our seves to purchase year after year. It is up to us gamers to risk a bit of money on new products as well, and not just ask the publishers to do it for us, and then NOT reward them for doing so, that's just NOT how it works people :-O

My problems with most of the games from this post is far beyond just the things I have mentioned, but I am man enough to admit that my ranting or the rantings of any one else will NOT help games evolve, but at the same time it is not enough for developers to deliver a product they don't even understand, the developers have to BE GAMERS in order to understand us, and many of these company's hire developers who have NEVER played a game in their life, so what the ?@%! are they doing in this buisness, that is a question I cannot answer.

So far I can tell you that I no longer have any western developed console, or any console that mainly caters to western audiences(although I do have a PC) because I am TIRED of the rantings from angry fools, and I am tired of developers not understanding us, and I am SICK and TIRED of western based publishers tryng to force certain features over our heads, and the heads of the developers that we neither want nor need.

I just bought the Nintendo 3DS XL, and I'm getting the Wii U(In your faces western publishers(except for bethesda)) :-P..