For years Square Enix have been making bullsh*t games! and now they want us to fund their bullsh*t...
Crowd funding is the latest craze, and Square is just trying desperately to get a piece of the action, so they can get some advance payment on their junk.
Crowd funding was originally for developers with interesting ideas, who could not get funding from money hungry publishers, but now even AAA developers/publishers like Square want to hog your money.
@Solace427 @plaintomato @d_khan Microsoft cannot continue to rule the gaming industry, with the combined power of PC and the Xbox, and I doubt they will, with all the mistakes they have made the last 3-4 years. I also am not ready to fully commit to SteamOS, but I am willing to help it happen.
This is what I said a year ago, when they first started working on Linux, I KNEW they were gonna do this. Making a SteamBox makes no sense at this point, but an operating system based ONLY on gaming, gives us the perfect opportunity to throw WINDOWS out the Window, and NEVER again use Microsoft as OS.
Fantastic job by Valve, I hope ALL developers get behind, and support them.
I don't think this guy even speaks the language, and yet they put him in charge of the American department of Nintendo, that just sounds wrong. This guy is to stuck-up and way to much bound up in Japanese Business culture, to stand a chance at appealing to North American consumers.
They should put Reggie in charge, someone who actually speaks English and can (in some ways at least) appeal to the western consumers.
If this guy spent half as much time analysing western gaming traditions, as he does trying desperately to be polite, then Nintendo of America might actually be worth a damn..
I LOVE how you present the "likelihood that everyone at Microsoft privately thinks we should just deal with (meaning pay for while shutting the **** up)" because this is ACTUALLY what Micro$oft really wants. They want us to buy their product and accept anything and everything they tell us, without giving us a good reason, and this is how they've been working for the last 5 years, and most people just don't know any better.
Or maybe just a STEAM Operational System to run on your PC, one that will utillize the Power of a strong PC, and give users the usabillity of a console.
d_khan's comments