blue balls
da-CELL's forum posts
Getting hit straight on by a bike that was speeding down a steep incline. I remember just lying on the pavement after impact, completely unable to move. My introduction to trauma, when your body shut downs as some sort of defensive mechanism. Man, all I could do was roll my eyes and lift my right pinky every once in a while. And, oh yeah, drool.acdavidLOL
one time wen i was drunk and sum1 dared me to let them break a bear bottle on my head....i didnt feel it wen i was drunk but the next morning, OH DEAR GOD the next morning.....they even had it on camera,, it was so cool watching me get hit with it....LOL
wat i cant wait for is how the games are gona look in 4 god, its gona look sick.......and im curious too on how that new eye toy is gona effect online and gameplay as well
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