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I am now officially Popular!!!!!

I had waited for this moment ever since I saw the emblem in the Emblem's Union and in like 400,000 people's profile. I'm popular! I got 53 friends as of now, and hopefully I'll get more! I also got the Tagger Dubbler or Dabber or something. Update on my life: I am now on the last campaign of MOH Vanguard. After a long drought of not playing Wii, which lasted about a few weeks, I beat a campaign. And the last one is hard, there's a hidden MG-47 (like the most frightenening gun in the game to your troops, they start yelling: "MG-47!" or "They're reloading the MG-47!", but I don't find it hard to kill them normally, easy targets, but a new guy always goes to it when one dies) which I can't find, I saw it once, but it started shooting and I ran for cover and went back after gaining some hgealth, but got hit by a grenade smack on (It always happens, there's like one spot with a mine where when I step there {I think it's there, or I just suck} I blow up. There's a lot of grenades there). That's pretty much it, I play basketball with my frioends outside, and GO PISTONS, GO DUCKS!