Sometimes reviews are out of hand and do not make sense. Sometimes there is a game which gets a wide variety of reviews, and I applaud Gamespot for putting up a "Critic Score" and listing what each magazine/website gave, along with a link. I also like the "user" score. It shows what the collective gaming community thinks. That being said, it also shows how Gamespot can miss some scores for some games. The Godfather II received a 4.5, while the average is a 7.8. Another game is Halo Wars: Gamespot gave it a 6.5, while the avg. critic score was an 8.2. While I realize that it is good to have a differeing opinion on games and that scores can vary, such differences are a little alarming.
I saw the score for The Godfather thinking "I guess it's not such a good game," then I see crtics and users give it a much better score. I'm not saying the Gamespot needs to go with the crowd (that's bad), but I think they drop the ball sometimes when it comes to rating games. Every site and magazine now and again gets one of those, but it seems to be happening a little more often now. If it happens too much, Gamespot will lose all of their credibility.