If the economy was based on video game sales, the stock market would be soaring ever higher. Cars are not being bought, houses are being foreclosed, but Rock Band is being sold in huge numbers, along with other, crazy, blockbuster titles. In this day and age where consumers are paying more attention to money and value, video games seem to be doing very well.
At first, paying $60 seemed a little excessive and a little controversial. Now, games are being bought left and right. People may buy just two games instead of three, or wait and save to buy Rock Band, but in general, strong sales numbers prove how popular and alive the video game industry is. Whether you have a 360, PS3, Wii, or tricked out PC, the number of games (and good games at that) is pretty astonishing. Who would say no to Fallout 3 or Far Cry 2 which offers hours of gameplay, or GOW2 or SOCOM that offer great multiplayer? I think we are beginning to see just how great these next gen platforms are, and we are seeing that the extra $10 we pay is being well spent. And if the economy keeps going down, that's all the more reason to stay home and give a beat down to your friends.