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Do I have a bladder of steel? Yes!

Another update: Finally, three attempts later... those 25 points are mine!


Update: So, 5 hours 52 minutes of no problems. Enter Visions. Enter a brick wall. For whatever reason I just can't pass this right now; I had no problem last night. :(


We'll find out on Saturday when I take on The Endless Setlist 2 in Rock Band 2 on expert bass.

I had been having problems with Visions by Abnormality, the third-to-last song on that setlist, but after hearing some wise words from Joe when we were playing a different song (yes, wise words from Joe), I stuck breakneck speed on, and voila - problems gone. It's still tricky, but definitely easier, but if there's a song that's going to mess up my bladder of steel attempt (complete the setlist without failing OR PAUSING), it'll be that. Pity it's going to take 7 hours of my time to get that far, then I'll have to go through it all again (although I won't be doing expert again if that happens).

It's a good thing that No Regrets by Authority Zero is only bonus DLC. The twiddly bass in that kills me when breakneck speed is active.

Anyhow, wish me luck... [Joe, Caddy (and any other RB2 owners), you're welcome to join me if you wish, but I think it'll be easier to just do it alone, given the assortment of network and 'song has disappeared' issues we had yesterday]