Okay, I just died a little bit inside!
I've been watching the recent "Heroes" episode and I am deeply surprised... Damn! Right now I'm just lost in addiction...
Seriously, that's been A GOOD episode...It's all coming together in this one. Hiro "finally" gets his powers back and Ando reappears to help him. Nicky suspends Jessica (Nicky's alter ego) to warn Nathan Petrelli about Jessica's plans and MOST IMPORTANT, Mohinder knows what Sylar is up to and gets the chance?!? to kill him...
So far, so good - we'd think... But what happens at the end of the episode? Right! We still grope in the dark about what happens to/about Sylar, Peter & Mohinder. And what's up with Linderman? Why does he know all that stuff about Nathan, his daughter (Claire), Peter & "the others"...
I guess we have to WAIT till next week to find out... Damn...it!
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