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Vaporous Rumors

(I won't dignify the mentioned blog site by stating its name)

 K-taco is not an e-magazine. Get it straight. K-taco is a blog site you know a "fan" site that should barely get the attention of any manufacturer but they do have a following none the less. For the past few days the "Internets" have been getting there panties in a bunch decrying “Sony is Trying to Bully K-taco!!”

How did Sony bully K-taco?! K-taco wanted to run a “rumor” story on something that Sony did not want out into the public to begin with. If I ran a rumor story on “‘insert YOUR name here’… Inside and Out" and in this story I gathered information about you that is public record and information your friends and family dictated to me about your habits, I am sooo sure you wouldn't want that story out for all to read. GOOD or BAD this was information Sony did not want out. Do we have the right to know? Not really.

In the K-taco rumor article it clearly states that some of this information was gained via a Sony employee. Sony has the right to track through K-taco the "Sony employee" and more then likely he will be fired and sued along with any other person who was in contract violation and contributed to this story. Think about it. Not only will the employee who "spilled the beans" get fired, the entire department might feel the Ax-man's blade. Sony has every right to do as it deems is best for itself (the company).

By Blackballing K-taco (because K-taco ran a rumor Sony did not want to be told good or bad) K-taco was reduced to returning Sony PS3 devkits (which plays advanced copies of PS3 titles), becoming dis-invited from PS3 events (which allows them to see advanced copied of titles) thereby reducing K-taco to what it is... a blog site, but they are privy everything we (the public) will or may know. They did it to themselves. But they patched up with Sony, hmmmm... to good to be true? I'm sure it is.

Sony contacted K-taco (not vise versa) and patched things up but it can't be that simple. A pound of flesh was taken form Sony and be sure they want that pound of flesh back. As I stated before there must have been a quid pro quo, were Sony asked for the names and information of the sources in the story and things panned out. Now ask your self this...

Was it worth it?

Was it worth this guy (or department) to be fired for information that really wasn't that secretive to begin with?

The PS3 "home" button has been there since E3 and by the rumor article the worker was working on this project in June or July and the details were formulated and ironed out, so this project could have started a year prior. But... back to K-taco. K-taco probably thought that all the thinks it did to get the story out and be credited for the rumor that would fade away long after Sony unveils what it has in store for the PS3 this year or the next. But is it all worth it (the firings, the drama, the mindless support and ridicule)

... All for a rumor? K-taco thinks so.