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#1 dadoobie
Member since 2009 • 41 Posts

In comes Halo. While it was originally a multiplatform game, it has become the icon of the 360. This is where the problem begins. Halo brings FPS to the masses, and in most cases it is the first FPS many of it's players have ever touched. At least, that is what the claim is... totally negating titles like Golden Eye and Perfect Dark before it. It is quickly touted by many as the best FPS ever made, though, it is a self-proclaimed title, instead of one that is widely recognized. It's online community and setup is set to be the best of it's kind; while negating it's inferiority to games year's older then it. But fine, let's completely ignore this... no problem, let the lemmings be lemmings, I say.

Halo 2 is released... a half baked title, which does expand the game, however stops short of being brilliant when it's single player campaign end abrumptly -- not in an artistic fashion -- but rather as if the developers were forced to make a release. Halo 3 is brought forth, and once again, while it brings something new... it isn't noticably all that much different. But fine, it's still a good game, so why bother arguing that it's not as good it's made out to be.

This is where the problem begins. Halo Wars is announced. It is released, and outside of this site, it is praised. The problem is, it is pushed forward as prime / gold / frontier title... when in reality, it's a poor game -- yet it's crowd does not know to care.

Unlike Mario before it, the Halo franchise tries to be what it isn't. It not only dumbs down another brilliant genre... but it proclaims that rather then being an alternative, like Mario Golf to Tiger Woods, it is rather a front runner in the genre.


First off I lol at the fact you you give Halo life. That Halo proclaims to be the best. lol Halo doesn't proclaim anything, the people who play the game lay claim to its greatness. And don't even talk about Halo 2 being half-baked, look at MOST new Mario spin-offs. You say Halo Wars is praised for being apart of the Halo franchise, and then put Mario out there as this genuine example of an expanding franchise, oh please, be honest here, Nintendo has exploited Mario in more half baked, garbage spin-offs than any franchise EVER. Comparing it to Mario, you make me laugh. Saying Halo tries to be what it isnt...what are you even talking about?

You make no clear or solid point here. Halo is made, each one advances the story, each one updates online capabilities. If it is TRYING to do anything, its to improve upon itself. You say there is a problem in here and that Halo is killing gaming, and yet you never actually mention HOW it is killing game.

Rofl you said Mario doesn't try to be what it isn't. Im sorry, I never knew the Mario game WERE IN THE OLYMPICS, or that they played soccer, or baseball, or drove karts around, or whatever other garbage spin-offs were made. You are ridiculous.

Grow up sheep, stop whining about how new Mario games aren't as critically acclaimed as the Halo games. And that is fact.

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#2 dadoobie
Member since 2009 • 41 Posts
I will admit, I hate on it. I bought it expect awesome-ness. Its so boring...its the exact same thing as the other games. I liked Vice City mostly because of the tone it had throughout the cit, and the missions...GTA IV is just...a drag.
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#3 dadoobie
Member since 2009 • 41 Posts
In one word, no. Best GTA though.
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#4 dadoobie
Member since 2009 • 41 Posts
I love playing the game, like it is really fun, online is entertaining...but Killzone 2's story is absolute garbage Literally there are so many huge disconnects between what happens in between each chapter. One second you are in a convoy heading to the palace. Then the convoy gets halted. Then your on the main ship that is now SOMEHOW getting invaded by helghast who were at the time backed up to their palace it seemed. So the main fleet of the main characters appears to be mostly defeated AND YET SOMEHOW they have enough forces to successfully charge the palace? Did I miss something? did any of the past events have ANY EFFECT on the future ones? Really it is just...horrible. Also, Quest 64.
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#5 dadoobie
Member since 2009 • 41 Posts

THERE YOU GO! tht guy has the right thing

PS3 has nothing but shooters. The list of wii games i gave you are all diversed. Some are puzzle, action, shooters, horror, platformer, RPG. PS3 might have some nonshooters but either they are not good or they are not tht many.

Little Big Planet is better than any of Wii's kiddy 3rd party exclusives... GoW3, adventure/action game, also an exclusive. Once the Wii gets a third party exclusive that gets GOTY (MGS4) then I might entertain TC's main point. Until then...have fun with those AA's
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#6 dadoobie
Member since 2009 • 41 Posts

Then came my shooter addiction with this awesome game.



OMG YES! Timesplitters 2! I had a true ADDICTION with this game. Pure amazing, really.

Im suprised no one put this...


This part was like the most epic thing I experienced on the N64.

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#7 dadoobie
Member since 2009 • 41 Posts

[QUOTE="frankberns"] by that argument Soul Calibur is the best fightin game ever, even better than SC4. Standards change. If Halo 3 was released in 2009 in it current form, and against the current competition it would receive an 8 If KZ2 was released in fall 2007 in its 2009 form, it wouldve received a 10. This logic may seem backwards, but we are currently in 2009.. and for a 2009 game KZ2 is miles better than Halo 3. End of discussionfrankberns

we go by GS score so stop all the DC

9.5>9 thats it end of story

Yeah, we also live by a calendar and not in the past.

That argument for a past game only really works for older generation games. Halo 3 does NOT fit that time argument you made. 2 years does not see massive change on how great games are. Halo 3 would not get an 8. You're crazy. Obviously the time thing doesn't apply here cause many aspects of Halo 3 are way AHEAD of KZ2. Party system, forge, more game types, better customization of games. If anything its ahead of its time.
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#8 dadoobie
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Killzone 2 has a badge and level up system, Halo 3 doesnt

Killzone 2 has the "Warzone" option which takes away the annoyance of being transferred to the menu after every 10 minute game finishes as it will straight away start a new objective/round, Halo 3 doesnt

Halo has a level system and a badge system with the use of EXP, plus it has that "warzone" feature that after a game if you just leave it it will automatically start match making again!

I dont think you have played halo 3 for a while or even at all?!?


It doesnt seem like you understand what a badge system (eg, Medic, Assualt, Engineer) is, nor do you know what Warzone is. Because Halo 3 doesnt have these features. Go learn what Warzone is, it switches between game types without taking you back to the lobby.

Well i would call that a system then not a badge system. Well tell me how you can change the game type without going back to the lobby, i havent got killzone.

Warzone BASICALLY is this: In Halo in order to win a certain game, like deathmatch, you will need the most kills to win. Well in warzone it combines multiple game tiems into much shorter time periods to make up an entire game. Each Warzone match has a variant of capture the flag, king of the hill, search and destroy, deathmatch and assassination. So say the first match variant is deathmatch, the team who wins a very short, small deathmatch, gets one point. Same goes for the rest. So if you win a king of the hill variant, you get a point, etc. Each game is best of 7. So you basically need 4 points to seal a victory in a warzone game. Get it?

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#9 dadoobie
Member since 2009 • 41 Posts


I was the first one in EB to pick up Killzone 2 Friday morning one week ago. I played the online for around 8 hours that Friday and Saturday. I then quit and went back to playing Star Ocean 4. Killzone 2 is a great looking game, that is being over rated because its a PS3 exclusive. Its that simple. COD 4 & 5 and Halo 3 are far better online experiences.

Now proceed to flame....


dude i know! i got the game! and i cant believe this game was all hype! because i dont care how good the single player is and how pretty the graphics r! The game looks good! and the campaign is fun! but the online sucks! There isnt a party system! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE! Resistance 1 has a party system! and the matchmaking is terrible! because there isnt 1! games can be started with unbalanced teams! and when u play games with balancing etc! it's hard to play with friends! All in All i was let down by killzone 2! the campaign is AMAZING! and the GRAPHICS r "WOW" but if the online cant even compare to resistance 1 and that was a ps3 launch title! then that is just sad! Much less the COd's and Halo3!

Are you kidding? The Campaign is garbage. The lack of a party system is quite a drag.

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#10 dadoobie
Member since 2009 • 41 Posts

killzone 2 automatically loses this battle because it has no party system and playing with friends is difficult!!~ PERIOD! NOthing any1 says will change that! FACT!


SO TRUE! ARGH! Trying to play with a friend is like pulling teeth. I jsut wanna play with a pal. We finally get in a game, and he's on the other team and each time the game ends and a new round ramps up, new teams again and the same stuff happens. So archaic.

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