Well its that time again, taking a quote from PSM.. that time you just love to hate.. its that time of the month where every game you want is comming out, and the hobo down the street has more cash then you... oh yea, cant forget the new systems commin out!! there is basicilly my entire christmas and birthday present... and Xbox 360, yep.. Oh yea, cant forget the Class Rings, $400 bucks!! YEA!!... Well there IS one free thing commin my way, actually make that 2 things.. lets see, if all goes well I should be getting Burnout Legends for PSP, and then when I get home, its all about the 1.7 WoW patch, boo-yah.. Other then that, I need to wait for awhile to get some cash to buy these new games, and I know money wont be commin my way from my mom, cause she will be buying my Xbox... most likley.... but yea, 200 a parent for the class ring if THAT even works, then all this... damn... so yea, anyways... WoW, cant wait... `vulla ! (I think). Oh yea, I almost frogot THE FREAKIN PS2 INTERNET!!!! OMG I HATE THAT FUKIN THING!! I WAS ON THE PHONE FOR SO LONG AND, OF COURSE, NO USE.... ahh, had to blow off some steam. That is pissin me off sooooooo bad... but of course whenever I have a problem I always figure it out, wheather or not I have to call to Geek Squad for 150 bucks... but it probley will not come to that... so yea, the end.. gotta get back to San Francisco!!!
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