dafuzzaymonkay Blog
YAY i love my life
by dafuzzaymonkay on Comments
tingle inc is up here
and i avoided being grounded today is truly wonderful
tingle inc
by dafuzzaymonkay on Comments
it is established yay
and we have to wait until the 25th to use it
halo zero
by dafuzzaymonkay on Comments
everybody has to play halo zero so the world can be a better place
by dafuzzaymonkay on Comments
i actually have nothing to say but i enjoy typing about nothing so You don't know that I changed screen names ha you suck I like burritos gimme a dollar wapow fireworks are awesome I once killed a frenchmen twice I hate the icee man Nintendo rules all with a mario fist Green is the best color I live in a oreo and I recently upgraded to double stuffed Im bored gimme a dollar spongebob is a good cartoon he lives in a pineapple but oreos are better monty python and the holy grail is the funniest movie ever put your hands down my pants and I bet youll feel nuts NI NI NI NI i like pie cause its better than cake the psp is gay and so is madden i think im addicted to battlefield 2 oh snap ALBUQUERQUE thats a song its good you should listen too it some time fat people are funny especially when they run I don't have any humps or lady lumps but that is a good thing I demand satisfaction give me a dollar oi I wrote a childrens book once can you imagine what that was lik I have decided that boobs are spectacular you should join my religion of hernanderism all you have to do is slap the devil Myspace is gay and so is WoW if you dont know what WoW is you probly like men holy crap this thing is long connors says **** that **** like it was some ****** vagina this has been a random rambling.
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