Final Fantasy VIII, while still my least favorite out of 7,8,9, still an awesome game. I have to admit I was wrong about some things. I actually did grow to love the characters, even though I cared for none of them at first. The story is pretty engaging, however nothing on the FF7 side. Like I said the characters are good, but not quite as good as FF9's characters. It's still a memorable game. The junction system is a little complicated at first, but I eventually got the hang of it. The one thing is that the weapon you buy or...remodel your weapons isn't very smart for an FF game. You have to find all of these different tools and artifacts, and then you can remodel your weapon. So yeah, if you don't do this then at the beginning of the third'll more than likely be hitting physically for 200...yeah at the beginning of the THIRD disc! But of course if you don't want to bother with weapons, you can find really good spells, draw them, and junction them to your strength, and you should be good. Anyway, I just entered the 4th disc, and I'm at (one of the hardest the game according to my brother) I remember watching him play it over and over. So I may have to take a trip to the Island closest to hell, and level up a bit more before I can beat...Adel. I already know that the end battle is the hardest one, but this is no doubt the second hardest. Rinoa is trapped inside Adel, and not only can you not use GFs, but you have to heal Rinoa almost constantly. So you gotta hit Adel hard with single spells, and physical attacks. You can't use Ultima though...because that hits both enemies! And Rinoa is obviously not my enemy. So it may take some level grinding, and some time, but I know I CAN beat this game! Level grinding is pretty fun anyway! ;)
dagger54 Blog
OH great!
by dagger54 on Comments
Well it seems that, according to my brother who talked to some people on this forum, who have played X-2, it's one of those games where you only get certain endings depening on how you did, how much you did, and what you did. Like Chrono Cross a little. That sucks, I want to see the good ending! Not spend 40 so hours and then see a worthless ending! OH great, was the first thing that came to my mind. But oh well, it doesn't matter. I'm not going to complain about it any longer. So what? Ya play it a couple of times, I have NO trouble with that.
Besides X-2, I started a new game on VIII. Yeah, my least favorite, but still a good game. I'm starting to get used to the whole draw thingy again. Or I am I guess. I'm about an hour into the second disc. I like Squall and Quistis. I really like Laguna, Kiros, Ward, and Raine. I like the bad guys like Edea, Seifer. I think that Selphie, Zell, Irvine are alright...but nothing that special. Now interesting story. For a while, I really didn't like her character very much, but now I'm actually starting to see a little of myself in her! That's kind of exciting. Whenever I take these Final Fantasy VIII personality tests, I always come out as Rinoa, now I sort of understand why! I really do like her.
Everyone have a great evening, day, morning, night whatever it is there! ;)
An interesting weekend.
by dagger54 on Comments
Yesterday I went and saw Monster House. The animation in that movie, is amazing. The story was really great at first, and then it ended with a slight bang. But it went down a little. But besides that, I watched my neighbor's two cats, and one dog for the weekend, hopefully they'll drop off a little money later. ;) I'm saving most of the money I earned this summer for Christmas presents, and such. Yeah I know it's a bit ways off, but I don't really have a great way of getting money, so I save what I get. However there is a chance (depending on how much I get) I may buy X-2, but then again...I think my brother may get that for my birthday. So I also...may wait. But enough about money and buying...stuff..
So here we are...Monday. Got a good amount of things to do today, School starts again in a couple of weeks, so today I have to look over some things. I bought some supplies last week, but I need to look over actual subjects now. Maybe do a bit of a review. German lessons will also start up again soon, can't wait. I love learning a foreign language. However I would rather learn Japanese, I know that it's really difficult, but I would still like to.
November is going to be the month for gaming! Baten Kaitos Origins comes out, the Wii, Zelda TP, it's going to be a great month!
Well everyone have a great day!
It's over...but wait it's not!
by dagger54 on Comments
Friday Night...shows to remember.
by dagger54 on Comments
Alrighty, so tonight Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Monk, and Psych are all on! I'm looking forward to all of them. Friday Night is THE night for shows. Anyway, my little puppy, his name is Auron. (Yes after the Auron in Final Fantasy X) is whining his little head off in his kennel. I wish he didn't have to be in there, but he kind of does, because he's been quite the troublemaker today. I had some trouble with my FFX game, and had to take it back to Ebgames. Thankfully, we had added the 2 dollar thingy, so they replaced it instantly, and so far with a MUCH better copy. I'm really enjoying this game. Last time I played it, I didn't get to finish it, even though I know how it all ends, (I've seen the ending online) I'm still looking forward to see how everything unfolds. After this I think I'll buy X-2. Haha, I've watched my brother play some of it. And WOW is it different. But I still want to play it, I am a girl afterall! :p
Well the shows start in 2 minutes! Everyone have a great day! ;)
Something to talk about...
by dagger54 on Comments there really anything to talk about? I dunno. I just watched the first real episode of Eureka. It's a new show on the Scifi channel. I mean it's pretty good, nothing extremely original, or revolutionary. But it's still good. This weekend most likely I'm going on this camping retreat...sort of thingy. So that'll be tiring, but fun. I also started Final Fantasy X. It's a great game, and so much fun to play.
Well that's about it. Can't wait until I'm lvl 10 so I can post my user videos! ;)
Amazing Music on YouTube.
by dagger54 on Comments
On my way...
by dagger54 on Comments
Well it seems I'm on my way to posting videos. I'm almost lvl 5 which means I only have five more to go after that! :) Yeah so it may take a while, but oh well.
Everyone have a great day!
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