Today I traded in a few games that I've been wanting to get rid of, so I went down to Gamestation and got some in store credit because there are some good games I haven't got yet! So I traded in the following games...
Aliens vs Predator (£14)
Dragon Age (£8 )
Mass Effect 2 (£17)
Assassins Creed 2 (£10)
Fable 2 (£6)
Soul Calibur 4 (£3)
They want all of your money.
Not too bad considering the age of some of the games, still quite annoying considering the shop will probably not sell any of these games for under £20, and something like Mass Effect 2 and AvP will be sold again for something like £30. But it still gave me enough money to cover most of what I wanted, which was...
Borderlands + DLC Double Pack (so far I am enjoying this game so much, can't believe I missed it out, it's really fun and seems such a high quality game)
Pokemon Heart Gold (Because I am hardcore!)
If you haven't played this yet, get it before Fallout New Vegas comes out!