@Berserk8989: Nah I would trade 1440P @60FPS with mods, free online and tons of other advantages over some exclusives any day of the week.
And honestly, how many multiplatform games are better on the consoles than their PC counterparts? Except some rare disasters such as Arkham Knight, the answer is none. The Witcher 3, Metal Gear 5, Skyrim, GTA5 are all so much better thanks to far better performance and mod support.
Plus it costs like 300$ to grab a console LOL. If someone wants to grab a console for its exclusivity, he/she can just straight pay for it with some pocket change.
Finally, sorry to break it for you, but that feeling of having "exclusive ownership" over something digital is purely psychological, it doesn't bring any concrete benefit whatsoever...
@Barighm: yup I agree that's why I have a PS4 and not XBOX to begin with, because it sure has some amazing exclusives.
While the PC definitely does have some disadvantages compared to the PS4, (which is why I DIDN'T claim that the PC is miles superior in ALL RESPECTS), but the point you mentioned definitely isn't one. On the PC, these updates are not mandatory, you can simply opt-out or at least delay them to see if they are working. For the PS4 though, that's not the case. You can't play online and access many key features without updating, and I sure hope you are aware of all these updates that bricked people's consoles or messed some other stuffs up. You have ZERO control over them. And if we were to count the number of updates breaking PC and PS4, I bet the PS4 wins in the area, because there's so many things you can do on the PC to circumvent or fix problems, whereas players' control over the PS4 is extremely limited.
@Terminator95: Having one amazing game doesn't make the PS4 the best gaming system LOL.
A high-end PC is miles superior to the PS4. Luckily for me I have both PC and PS4, which is arguably the best gaming combo you can have. Most of the Xbox exclusives, and all the good ones, end up being on consoles anyway. Not the case for PS4.
Only someone who've never played on a high-end PC will say something as ridiculous as you have. I would never play any game on the PS4 except for its exclusives and 1 or 2 games that are broken on the PC (Batman Arkham Knight).
I'm by all means not trashing the PS4, I love mine <3 I'm just disputing the claim that it is the best gaming system out there. I would agree that it's the best current-gen console, though even that depends on your taste & preference.
daijobu93's comments