The fine print states you will get the points 6-8 after your CC has been charged....your CC will not be charged until your subscription ends, so to get the real date: add 6-8 from the time your current subscription ends.
Maybe I can help a little by adding a woman's a soon to be stay at home mom, I don't think your wife will have a problem with it if you communicate with her and maybe wait until the Thanksgiving Sales...which might be a good idea anyway because who wants to pay $300 now only to see a better package or the actual console price go down in a few weeks. I'm not sure how your money works but since you mentioned your wife stays at home, I'm assuming you bring home the only paycheck. If her concern is about the money- try saving the money between now and the Thanksgiving Sales...take out $20 a week from the ATM and stash it somewhere and just see if your household even notices a difference between now and the sales, if your family budget misses the $20 a week, chances are you have some financial issues to work out before you need to spend the money on the xbox and games. If your wife is objecting because you already have the PS3 and Wii, consider doing the suggestion above and show her the money once you have saved up enough, she may very likely change her mind once she realizes that 1) you must really want this since you have saved up over two months, and 2) it will have little effect on the budget/household with Christmas coming up. I think a lot of women see gaming as a childish expense...but the truth is we all have things we like to spend money on and gaming is no different. Maybe offer to trade in some PS3 games that you won't play anymore to go towards xbox games. It could also be that your wife is concerned about the amount of time you would play on the xbox and also that your son would be "stuck to the tube" with one as well. Talking with her could help you understand the real issue...I know I said the dreaded word...talking, but really it could help your relationship as well as getting the xbox. I know that I am a moderate gamer and as my husband and I get ready to have our son, I am concerned about my son's access to mature games and language, but I also feel that hiding things like that will only make him want to go to his friend's house and play them there. Maybe your wife is concerned about game content and your son? Good luck and I hope this helps a little!
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