yep. :) thats the topic of the blog... birthdays.
birthdays come, birthdays go.
and as of today...
i am officially
the days been awesome... despite the early morning human biology test which meant i had to be in school at 7.30 in the morning.. it's been fantastic. whats happened...hmmm.. first... my dear dad sang me happy birthday in the car while he was sending me to school. :) that was sweet.. and then first think i heard when i got to school was "rachel! happy birthday!" from one of my closest friends. and then i had to race off to the test coz i was late. :oops: ... the test was meant to be finished at 8:25am.. but i finished way early (and checked :P) so i left at 8... to be greeted by more happy birthdays by naomi, rob, suyee, anita, sunny and a whole lot of other friends and randoms walking by :P then we had a whole day of classes.. until 1.15pm coz a group of us had the last session off. so off to lunch we went. :) it was cool.... you know the feeling... just having fun with a couple of close friends and talking. :) then back to school it was for me for some econs tuition... got home from school and then went on the unofficial NCIS chatroom. :) and talked to gerrie and cindy... but mostly gerrie... then that leaves me here. :) i know i've got pressies... but i think mum's in a teasing mood because she put them all on the dining room table so i can see everything... all nicely wrapped up.... but then she said "you're not allowed to open them till after dinner". which means.. in about 2 hours.. because we are having people over. :)
it's been an awesome day... and we'll see what i got soon... cant wait! :P
happy rest-of-the-day!