hello !
101 blog posts !
i think that deserves a mention. :lol:
WWIII much ? wow, i knew there was going to be a reaction to all this thread lockin' but really, didn't expect this at all. really guys, i just thought better, expected more.
now don't ya'all go off at me for saying exactly what i think
but now for the icons. i went on a tiny iconaton. & enjoyed it thoroughly.
100 x 100px
most are from grace period... what a brilliant episode & i'm not even half way through the episode caps !
MCGEE & ABBY icon & banner set !
all 100 x 100px.
clicky for full sized banner !
760 x 140px (tv.com profile banner size)
kate banner
329 x 140px.
weird size... but it works.
tate banners. just because.
clicky for full sized banner !
760 x 140px. (tv.com profile banner size)
clicky for full sized banner !
500 x 140px
& finally, in completely unrelated news, no finale chat icon ? i participated in the heroes chat. but oh well, whats another icon anyway. :)
-rach. :)