Nuns, Guns, And Agent 47 - Hitman Absolution E3 Trailer
This is not 47, he is genetically enhanced, he would never get beaten by girls. And girls dressed like that with those weapons in the street? It's just plain ridiculous! If this was Saints Row The Third there would be no problem, but it's not. What would you think if Kratos had military weapons to defeat his enemies? It would be totally incoherent with the series, and if you thought for a second that this could be cool, then you're contaminated too.
Comments from this topic:
dalua360 commented:
OMG THEY RUINED HITMAN! I was praying to not let that happen to Hitman but I think no one escapes from this current contamination of stupid modern games trying to put absurdities just to call kids attention!
oxrs in reply to dalua360:
How? Because they used costumes on women that are perfectly in line with those that have appeared in the series before? Because they used themes of 47 being hunted by superior numbers, as they have before? Or are you just being reactionary and judging a game based on a non-gameplay trailer for absolutely no reason? Hm.
dalua360 in reply to oxrs:
Because I'm playing Hitman since the first game and I'm a former military. By that, I can't stand the ridiculous. If you see ninja nuns with RPGs and sexy lingerie please take a picture. If you like those types of games, I don't. Your opinion, my opinion..... just opinions.
One thing that supports my first argument is the difference of opinions when you compare this topic to the opinions given on real fan forums, which you can find more mature people hating this video. Hitman is trying to sell more with this marketing approach, but almost all the older fans are complaining because we can see where this is going. All hardcore games are trying to become more "accessible", like Splinter Cell Conviction, Battlefield 3, Deus Ex, etc... That means profit for the developers, thanks to all clueless gamers that buy anything, but that means frustration to hardcore gamers because we can't find games without childish or arcade features anymore
And below some other opinons from Gamespot audience:
this trailer have every thing! guns, explosions ,chics ,fighting ,sexsy chics more fire!!!
I promised myself i'd only buy games because of gameplay.... but on the other hand
I liked that he punched one of the women in the face, after strangling her and before she hit the ground.
Great trailer :)
Aaawwww Yeahhhh! :D
Now those are some twisted sisters.
Arguably the greatest short film of the year. The themes are rich, this tapestry of a bald man murdering sexy nuns for no reason, this is brilliant on so many levels. SOLD.
those nuns are so sexxxxxyyyyy
" No words, just mouth open from the sheer badassery in this"
This is just one small example of one area of society where young people are alienated and without discernment, but in general we can carry this ideal to all scopes of life, where we see the quality of studies and values of young people being so deteriorated that it's very hard to be hopeful about our future being handed over to people so empty and manipulated.