dalua360 / Member

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Stupid PC fanboys !

Crytek: Crysis 3 is 'maxing out' current gen

This article showed up and brought a lot of discussion about PC hardware,

check the link:


What you guys think about this conversation? :

hangman000 said:

My PC can fly through the specs. I upgraded it again(because I can).So tell me will it kill my PC with it's graphics?

gamingfrendly replied hangman000 :

maybe if they optimize it like crap and call it rigs killer.

dalua360 replied hangman000:

They make you spend tons of dollars on upgrades because it makes the market heated, ask yourself why there are games with the same technology but one of them doesn't need super PCs to run on it ! Ask your self how developers can make similar games on consoles with 256mb RAM ??? Aren't they fooling all of us ? I think they are !

sammoth replied dalua360:

Tehy don;t make you sped anything. That is your choice. That is why you get a watered down console version. The hardware in PC is differnt from a console. You really need to learn a little more about it before you post dribble. Consoles are dedicated gaming machines. PC's are not they do multiple things at once. Not to mention you can tweak almost any game you get on PC. Only fool here is you for not knowing anything about harware.

dalua360 replied sammoth:

Are you another one of those blind PC fanboys? I hope not, because I was talking about what the user hangman000 wrote: "because I can ".... So, I meant that's ridiculous to be obligated to buy a new videocard to run some games if you can run similar games on high-res with your current hardware with no problem! The console comparison has nothing to do with PC vs Console subject, I know PC is way better even if it's not gaming specific, I meant that developers can milk hardware systems the same way they do with consoles, but the Hardware corporations will not allow that! It's the same reason why we are not all using eletric cars by now? Because the Oil industries won't allow, so.... You should study a little before spitting nonsense!

sammoth replied dalua360:

1st you claimed that only 1 game markets to that kind of hardware. That is false statement on your part. Many games are up on the level with Crysis 2 as far as graphics. Witcher 2, BF3, Skyrim and Farcry 3 just off the top of my head are the few that do. Then you posted some dribble about how they can make similar games on a system with only 256mb of RAM. As I said the RAM is different on consoles then PC's.

2nd The PS3 has 512MB of RAM (256 for video and 256 for system). The Cell chip has 256MB of completely sharable RAM, the GPU has 256MB of dedicated RAM. Now the key here is what type of RAM it is. The PlayStation 3 has 256mb of GDDR3 at 700mhz and 256Mb of XDR at 3.2ghz. So what exactly is XDR ram? Here are some of the highlights: - XDR makes PS3 super efficient - XDR aids in faster cache mapping, both direct and indirect - XDR ram works by a pointer to pointer technology and needs very small bus width for execution - XDR is not just faster than GDDR3 but it is much more efficient - XDR RAM works by breaking down data into several packets which prevents data loss and exceptions The Rambus XDR memory architecture is a total memory system solution that achieves an order of magnitude higher performance than todays standard memories while utilizing the fewest ICs. Perfect for computer and consumer electronics applications. The PS3 has two times as much cache at 2x the speed, making it way faster for direct/indirect mapping. Not only that but it has 512k of L1 cache + 1.7m of L2 cache for the 7 specs. The PS3s GPU, RSX was made to work with the Cell processor, it is not some GPU they took and slotted in. It is made to be compatible with the Cell. More RAM does not mean a faster system it means more data can be stored in a fast access area. Games don't always need 512mb of RAM. The RSX can freely use as much of the 512MB total RAM that the PS3 has because the Cell doesn't need much RAM because its fast enough. And the fact that the PS3 has XDR means that it has faster access to data files.

dalua360 replied sammoth:

Sorry friend, half of the things you wrote there has nothing to do with our conversation, you must be thinking about someone else in another post here maybe! And the other half I didn't even say something about it, and I quote: "1st you claimed that only 1 game markets to that kind of hardware." When did I say that? I was against Crytek's statement! I'm familiar to all this stuff you're trying to teach me here, but it has no relevance to my first point which resumes in: "Milking the Hardwares no matter which type is!". Is it really necessary for you to point out all the minimum correct specs of the hardware in this topic? This is nota place to go deep into technical specs, if we say "RAM" it's just a way to express the differences! I'm a former military and I don't criticize people here who wrongly use military words(slangs) or weapons characteristics! Good for you if you know in depth about hardware, but you're in the wrong website! We were talking about a guy that bragged about a game which isn't all that he's claiming, and I was talking to another guy that we shouldn't be obligated to spend money on new hardware for PCs because of only ONE game, when there are others released in the same month sometimes, that can perform perfectly equal on MAX settings.

Let me draw for you:

Do I believe Crysis 2 and 3 are the best? NO !

Do I think that RAM is the same to all Hardwares? NO!

Did I compare PC vs Consoles ? NO !

Do I think PC developers help the hardware market with containment of the technology just to make people buy more, the same way that the mobile phone companies do, for example? YES!

So, technology containment is one problem, and the underuse of hardware specs is another problem when we discuss about developers trying to force you to upgrade your PC to be able to run their games.

You can explain all you want about the differences on hardwares, but the fact that consoles came from the computers, and that developers can milk consoles A LOT, only supports my point!

Am I clear now ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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People became dumber than an ass !