Image thanks to Shtinky
Well there you have it folks, the most recent interesting news from Sony that have hit the GS forums these couple of days. Certainly someone had to blog it. (and spicy it up a little bit too with some comments and unanswered questions) :D
We all know the deal, on July 7th Sony updated their site and BANG! it shocked us all! a big ass Apple logo was right in the middle of our beloved PS3. After that, rumours, controversy, chaos and big grins were all over the place...err.. at the PS3 forums at least >.>...
A couple of hours later, with the help of some nerdy kids (honestly dont they have somthing better to do?) , a proven image from a decompiler showed that what we all thought it was a whole new PS3 design, was merely a re-used asset from an Apple commercial and was approx 2-3 frames in its latest flash. Which in regular english means: ... huh? o.O
Anyway, no one really understood what was going on, until later that day Sony came and did the whole Oh **** my bad thing. Claiming that it all was merely an 'external error' and they apologized for any confussion it caused. (yeah like that cleared up all the confussion :?)
Well Hmmmmm.... To me the only mistake they made was making that thing public. As in showing it on their site publicly...
I highly doubt Sony would make such awful mistake (placing a competition logo on its most beloved system) Its just too fishy. Regardless of what other excuses they may give about the frames, I just dont see that feasible. Why would Sony be even using Apple commercial frames in the first place? Besides hell that image was so cool. Gotta admit that it certainly didnt look like a mistake. The logo was very well centered.
I am 100% convinced that by TGS we will get a much clear explanation about that. A little surprise perhaps. Nothing extreme like Sony working together with Apple or the so called AppleStation. But definitely it will be something related to this issue.
I know we all would like a PSP that can download iTunes. Or and iPod (damn! it's really hard to type the i in small case first and P in upper case afterwards, took me like 4 tries, interesting, anyway) like I was saying, an iPod that can play UMDs.You know what they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Well this woud've been a nice kick in the balls to Microsoft. But like I said, its just not going to happen. Or is it? hmmm
Do you think Sony was probably lying about the whole mistake thing? And we would actually get our so called AppleStation ? (hey gotta admit sounds kinda cool, and the logo Shtinky made looks really nice too aint it?)
Well post then!!!