Around a month or two ago, my 360 got a RRoD. I had pressed the power button to turn it off and in the three seconds it usually takes to register the button press and completely shut down, the three red lights appeared. My insides clenched. Hands shaking, I turned it back on. Then to my delight, the 360 started up as if nothing had happened, and the Red Ring of Death was no more. I was counting my lucky stars.
Flash forward to last week. I had finished all my work and was in the mood to blow stuff up in GTA IV. So I took the disc out from its case, opened the 360 disc tray guessed it. RRoD: The Second Coming. At this point I was thinking, "Is this the end of the line?" Luckily for me, it wasn't. Based on Microsoft's online instructions, I had to perform a complex ritual which involved unplugging then replugging in the cable several times. I religiously followed the troubleshooting doctrine, and then ten frustrating minutes later, viola!, my 360 turned back on! Oh, how excited I was. I had defied the RRoD twice. But in the back of my mind, I knew the fun wouldn't last.
And my dire prediction came true. Upon starting up my 360 this afternoon in the hopes of smashing up some baddies in Castle Crashers, I was met with a glowing red stare. There it was again: the Red Ring of Death. My heart sank. This was it. I tried all the repair methods that fixed it up the last the last time that it failed on me, but to no avail. My Xbox 360 was dead. And yet at this point, after dealing with two RRoDs, I wasn't really that surprised when it happened again. In fact, I was kind of expecting it to.
So now I'm looking at Microsoft's website, and it's telling me that since my Xbox is past its three-year-warranty, I'll have to fork over $100 so they can send me a second rate, refurbished 360 in around...wait for it...3 to 4 WEEKS. You know what, Microsoft can kiss my you-know-what. I'd rather just spend $200 to get a brand new Arcade bundle on amazon, compatible with all my current accessories, and get it in 3 to 4 DAYS, than to send in my old 360 with the knowledge that it will most likely just be repackaged and sent to some other poor, unsuspecting customer (exaggeration intended).
So in conclusion, I'm understandably PO'd that I've just joined the statistic of people who have had their 360 die on them. I pray the same doesn't happen to you.
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