Sorry it took so long, I was taking finals.
Anyway, about Xmen 3. It IS a good movie don't get me wrong, but the thing is, you notice a pattern in the previous two xmen movies, and that is prejudice against the mutants. That in turn gives Magneto a legitimate reason to hate the humans, especially since they killed his family in the WWII holocaust (maybe he's Jewish???) But in the third one there is no prejudice against mutants, instead they welcome mutants with open arms and want to help them. This totally destroys what the dramatic plot that the previous director built up. On top of that, it seems weird that Magneto along with just about every other mutant takes it personally and wants to kill the humans. They think the cure will be FORCED on them. But it's not mandatory. That's what makes the movie seem a bit stupid. Aside from that, X-men: the last stand is a great movie, and it's worth seeing. I personally liked the second one the best. Thank you for reading my blog and have a nice day.