dampen666 Blog
More games and less time
by dampen666 on Comments
Ok, it's been a while. Xbox first.
Burnout:revenge - completed all the tracks and got to the elite level. Didn't bother trying to get top marks in each category. Fun game but nothing spectacular.
FarCry insticts - great game. Really enjoyed it. Excellent presentation. Only problem was too easy to skip fights when in vehicles or swimming. Felt like I passed half the game by. Good fun though. Will probably pick up the sequel at some point.
Darkwatch - played and completed. Half decent game. Good fun actually, but pretty basic. Great presentation.
Currently playing Mercenaries. On second ace contract. Good game. Seems like a GTA rip off in structure but not bad. Kind of simple at times although some of the missions can eb quite challenging. great explosions. Passing the time quite nicely.
I think I may have played some other stuff in the meantime too - will have to go back and check.
I'm now the owner of a Nintendo DS. Came free with my new mobile phone. My girlfriend got one too. Currently playing through Sonic Rush and loving it. Old school fun, great style and devilishly difficult in parts. Good old fashioned platformer and the speed of it is astonishing. Also got 42 classic games, or clubhouse games as its called here on Gamespot. Great fun. You can't beat abit of Mahjonng, Bought a younr relative Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire as a present, but it's not his birthday for a couple fo weeks so I'm playing that too. Not so good.
ta ta for now
Pitfall to Burnout
by dampen666 on Comments
Completed Pitfall. Well, practically. Still have a few idols and shamans to find but I'm not enirely sure if I'll ever go back to doing that. I enjoyed the game though, quite an entertaining little platform game. Lot of charm.
Now playing Burnout:Revenge which I thought was marvellous when I first played it but now, only some three or four days later the charm's already starting to wear off. The game's still excellent though, just slightly too repetitive. Same tracks etc blah blah usual racing game stuff. I'm about 40% completed or so the stats tell me. We'll see how far I get but this may be another game that I pick up and play a bit at a time instead of trying to get through the single player game as quick as possible.
Can't decide what other game to play yet, so will kepp with this for now me thinks.
Pitfall and a 6 month recap
by dampen666 on Comments
Well, I've played a lot since Mace Griffin but seem to have forgotten all about this little blog space.
So, what have I been playing? I'll see if I can remember. The following have all been played and completed.
Future Tactics : The Uprising - simple strategy game. Plays like Worms. Bought it for a couple of euros and it wasted some time. Music was woeful though.
Conker : Live and Unloaded - good game. Not as great as I'd been led to believe but definitely worth checking out. Xbox live is kinda fun too so long as you don't meet a bunch of spawners.
Otogi 2 - stunning looking game with complete **** crazy design. Rathre strange game it has to be said but you get to annihilate everything, so it's worth a laugh.
Call of Cthulhu : Dark Corners OF The Earth - GREAT game. Truly immesive and the first hour or two is really clever. Kind of loses its way a bit (as do Lovecraft's novels in my opinion) but still a truly excellent game.
Marvel Nemesis : Rise of the Imperfects - great presentation but strange game. Enjoyed it and got annoyed with it at the same time. Feel no real desire to play it again to be honest.
Prince of Persia : The Two Thrones - great close to the trilogy. Still think the second game is my favourite, although all three are excellent.
Hitman Contracts - took me a while to get into it but really enjoyed it in the end. Last couple of levels were too easy though. Way too easy.
Have also been playing World Championship Pool 2004 - it's a pool game. Nothing grest but what did you expect?
Games waiting in the wings - too many to mention.
Currently playing - Pitfall : The Lost Expedition. Actually enjoying this quite a bit. I was in the need forsome platform action and this is slaking that thrist quite nicely. Fun little game. Currently a penguin, which is nice.
Mace Griffin - cheap and ever so slightly cheerful
by dampen666 on Comments
More bargain hunting.
Mace Griffin and Bloodrayne for a combined total of 7 euros. 6 for Mace 1 for BloodRayne
Paroject Snowblind and Otogi 2 for 30 euros (20 for 1st, 10 for 2nd)
I have about 10 games now I haven't got round to playing yet, but that's cool, I'll get to them eventually.
Still rotating between Forza,PGR2 and Rallisport 2 (of which I am currently nearining the end of the champion career) but most of my Xbox time is currently being wasted on mace griffin.
It's not a bad little game, easier to admire seems as it only cost me 6 euros. Complete rip off of almost every other sci-fi shooter but worth a blast. You can tell it's a few years old now though, feels rather dated, but again it only cost 6 euros. It's a bargain!
Driving - the new obsession
by dampen666 on Comments
Project Gotham Racing 2 is getting some regular play lately. Thanks, mainly, to my good mate Mac having the same game and a rather hilarious and superbly entertaining Xbox live session last weekend. Friday night, a few beers, a few Live friends resulted in one of the worst hangovers I've ever had. Worth it though.
Forza keeps getting the occasional play, usually when I'm fed up of PGR but then last week I picked up Rallisport 2 and I'm absolutely loving it.
Soared through the pro career without having to try, but the next level is more than a step up, it's really difficult.
It's an absolute thrill to play though. The cars are really responsive, if not realistic and the damage model is great, even though it doesn't alter how your car drives. Superb crashes (especially when you fly off a cliff) and an insane sense of speed. The cockpit view is almost unuseable, it goes so quick.
The game is frigtening at times, because, like rallying should be, it's often impossible to figure out what's coming next. Some of the rally courses have me right on the edge of my seat, just waiting to die. It's scarier than any horror game I've played. Love it.
Picked up Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 the other day too, cos it was dirt cheap. Supposed to be a kids game but should make a decent day's platforming. I hope.
Other games finished
by dampen666 on Comments
Thief: Deadly Shadows. Enjoyed this. Good stuff all round, great character, impressive lighting elements, decent missions.
The Suffering. Excellent presentation. Pretty good game. I'll definitely grab the second one when it goes cheap.
CAPCOM collection. Commando makes me laugh. Final Fight finally completed after years of woe. 1942 and 3 are still class. Street Fighter seems INCREDIBLY SLOW. Deent party collection.
Batman Begins - Decent presentation (although obviously an EA game, starting to get fed up of their blocky figures. Too short and way too easy.
Doom 3? That was a while ago
by dampen666 on Comments
It's been a while since I posted something on here, so thought I'd best get round to letting you know what else has come through the Xbox and gone the way of the shelf.
Games finished
Prince of Persia 2 - terrible music - outstanding game
Prince of Persia 3 - better music, very good game. Bit short but satisfying, especially after having just completed part 2.
Serious Sam 2 - a blast. Rather straightforward but the last few levels are sheer class. I don't know how the hell I made it through. Unicycling, bomb carrying, chortling clowns are to be feared.
There have been others, but can't remember what they were right now
Now playing
Fifa 2005 - started playing online again.
Project Gotham Racing 2 - Bought this cos I could get another year's free xbox live. Game's ok - not as enjoyable as Forza, less frustrating in some ways, more in others. Online community is active but not the friendliest to people unfamiliar with the game
Forza - because of PGR2 I ended up going back to this. I've still barely scratched the surface with it and doubt I'll sink too much time into it, but it's worth going back too. Kicks the pants of PGR2 if I'm honest. Feels, acts and looks like a much better game. Haven't done much online with this one yet though.
Doom 3 was a blast!
by dampen666 on Comments
I enjoyed blasting my way through Doom 3. It looks fantastic and was very jumpy indeed, but it felt a bit too samey to make me feel like I'd played a true classic. Good fun though and it really cranks up the tension for the final third.
Still got to finish Yager - but I will - and have just started playing Thief : Deadly Shadows, but I think I've put the darkness a BIT too low as most of the game is pitch black. Heh heh.
We'll see how that goes.
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