Well, I've played a lot since Mace Griffin but seem to have forgotten all about this little blog space.
So, what have I been playing? I'll see if I can remember. The following have all been played and completed.
Future Tactics : The Uprising - simple strategy game. Plays like Worms. Bought it for a couple of euros and it wasted some time. Music was woeful though.
Conker : Live and Unloaded - good game. Not as great as I'd been led to believe but definitely worth checking out. Xbox live is kinda fun too so long as you don't meet a bunch of spawners.
Otogi 2 - stunning looking game with complete **** crazy design. Rathre strange game it has to be said but you get to annihilate everything, so it's worth a laugh.
Call of Cthulhu : Dark Corners OF The Earth - GREAT game. Truly immesive and the first hour or two is really clever. Kind of loses its way a bit (as do Lovecraft's novels in my opinion) but still a truly excellent game.
Marvel Nemesis : Rise of the Imperfects - great presentation but strange game. Enjoyed it and got annoyed with it at the same time. Feel no real desire to play it again to be honest.
Prince of Persia : The Two Thrones - great close to the trilogy. Still think the second game is my favourite, although all three are excellent.
Hitman Contracts - took me a while to get into it but really enjoyed it in the end. Last couple of levels were too easy though. Way too easy.
Have also been playing World Championship Pool 2004 - it's a pool game. Nothing grest but what did you expect?
Games waiting in the wings - too many to mention.
Currently playing - Pitfall : The Lost Expedition. Actually enjoying this quite a bit. I was in the need forsome platform action and this is slaking that thrist quite nicely. Fun little game. Currently a penguin, which is nice.