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Blah, blah, blah: The First encounter with some of my game ideas part one

Warning: this blog post may contain some horriffically stupid and derivative ideas.And maybe some terriffing grammar.So read at your own risk

Are you tired of all that post apocalyptic setting? Try a during apocalypse setting! There should be a game in which the main character(s) should try to survive and try to prevent the apocalypse and fail miserably thus leaving you waiting for a sequel (that will probably appear and ruin everything).In this game perspective should be third person and the main character: an american dezertor (in that time there would be a war between three main factions). The apocalypse should be giant meteorite that would hit earth and modify earths climate (Frozen!) unleash a parazitary alien specie (DERIVATIVE!) and a deadly substance.The hero would be chased by the US military, but they would give up and turn to reppeling the apocalypse.The hero gathers some survivors (an ecologist, a biologist, an engineer and some other people) and try to stopstop all of these. Will they make it find out NEVER (or possibly in a few days).

Blah, blah, blah: The First encounter with my Best Ever Games Awards Part two

Part two: The worst game ever

The unlucky nominees are:

World of Warcraft: probably one of the most boring games I`ve ever played. It`s a "hard to learn, even harder to master" type of game.That`s why WoW deserves to be a nominee.

Beyond Divinity: this... this monster... it broke my favorite mouse!!! It should`ve never been made!!

Alone in the Dark: this game would not be here if it had better controls, but great ideas need playability.

And the award goes to: WoW.

Yep, you might be wondering why. You actually need to pay to play this boring game?Duuuuuudeeeeee!

Blah, blah, blah: The First encounter with my Best Ever Games Awards

On this special edition of BBB we shall reward games for their qualities( note that the rewarding is only for PC games due to the lack of consoles).

Part one: The most crazy game ever

The nominees are:

Worms: this strategy games charmed everone from the first explosion. Stupidly decimating all worms (including yours) with ridicoulously overpowered, yet fun, weapons, hearing the heroic last words of a worm (coming with a wide varity of voices including the 007 voice and the army men voice) and how hillarious this game give it a position as a nominee.

Rayman Raving Rabbids: the wide varity of mini games the crazy humor and the rabbids with their hillarious scream ( Baaaah!) make this worhty to be a nominee.

Sam and Max series: a Colombo like suit-wearing dog and a psychopath rabbit. `Nuff said.

Burnout Paradise: jumping of a building, making flat spins, barrel rolls and pulling off rad takedowns is crazy and gravity defying.What could you want more?

And now the award goes to:

Worms and Rayman Raving Rabbids

Yep it`s a tie. I just could not decide who was crazier than who, the rad worms, or the raving rabbids, so it is a tie.

Blah, blah, blah: First Encounter with some opinions about PC and consoles

On this first encounter, the giant team of one member from Blah, blah, blah studios tackles the subject of gaming sistems!

Many PC users have been always tired of the decision of the game producers of making action, 3rd person shooters mostly for the consoles.Are there more console owners than PC owners?I think not!It would be a much wiser idea(economically speaking) to make a game that scored huge money on all gaming systems.A good game can not attract enough gamers to buy the console.Example: MGS4.Many gamers complained about the PS3 exclusive idea.I understand that making console games is much easier than doing them for the PC (though i do not know why (I have connections to game studios)).Another reason might be pirating.strangely, through my connections which i will not reveal, i could not find any PS3 games (this console is still covered in myst).I do not know why PC is the target for so many D&D RPG and strategy games?

That is it for today!

On next edition: First Encounter with the deafening silence

Blah, blah, blah: First Encounter with...

In this first encounter there is nothing encountered because this is my first first encounter(sounds stupid already doesn`t it?).I started blogging because i was a little bored, though under the question "Why should i start blogging if i know no one is gonna read?".So this is it the first (drum rolls) First encounter!