On this first encounter, the giant team of one member from Blah, blah, blah studios tackles the subject of gaming sistems!
Many PC users have been always tired of the decision of the game producers of making action, 3rd person shooters mostly for the consoles.Are there more console owners than PC owners?I think not!It would be a much wiser idea(economically speaking) to make a game that scored huge money on all gaming systems.A good game can not attract enough gamers to buy the console.Example: MGS4.Many gamers complained about the PS3 exclusive idea.I understand that making console games is much easier than doing them for the PC (though i do not know why (I have connections to game studios)).Another reason might be pirating.strangely, through my connections which i will not reveal, i could not find any PS3 games (this console is still covered in myst).I do not know why PC is the target for so many D&D RPG and strategy games?
That is it for today!
On next edition: First Encounter with the deafening silence