Instead of buying publisher I personally think should partially own EA Games. Sony always wanted to have gass games. Sony wanted to expand in mobile and pc . EA carries all sorts of genres with games and well known ips. Keeping it multiplat and exclusives to Sony console. That should rake it more money for EA and Sony then probably Microsoft will get with Bethesda and Activision
dan_mimmsie's forum posts
Could be a a power struggle between Sony and Microsoft. Yes there both going with amd but dont sony have the rights for the navi gpu? So I have no clue what gpu Microsoft will be having
I think they both have there pros and con I still don't get why people say oled is better considering u got freesync with Qled. And it's not that oled produces better black and Qled brings colours 2 life as it produces more vivid and brighter colours
@jaydan: difference is the studios Microsoft has purchased were always developing for Microsoft anyways they were like me 1st party
I have a Samsung Qled I think I prefer the Qled then Oled Due to better and brighter colours I'm not fuzzed if it's not deep black
I have a Samsung Qled and I find it really good to game on. Ignore the Qled vs Oled debate rubbish it's pretty much what u like. And they both have there pros and con
Depends what u like the most I've never really got on with Xbox and it's controller tbh I've always been a PlayStation guy but if ur interested in games then PlayStation is for u since a lot of exclusives and DLC mainly on Sony's machine then microsofts
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