Halo 3 proved many people wrong who said that it's new found title of "Most Played Game on LIVE for the week July 14th" was because of Bungie Day. Well, Halo 3 proved them wrong because Halo 3 is the Most Played game on LIVE for the week July 21st. I've got to say that I really didn't get into Halo 3 till about 2 months ago. But now I can't get enough. I am sick and tired of Call of Duty 4. With it's unfair perk system, it's unfair matchmaking system and it's lack of anything to make people play like a team. The game is practically saying " Go out on your own and get some kills or you wont get promoted." Halo 3 forces you to work as a team because the only way to get promoted is to win the game and the only way of winning is playing as a team. The matchmaking system is a lot fairer to. 28 in Team Slayer. Nearly a Major!
Anyways on Xbox LIVE this week I've been playing..
Halo 3
Gears of War
Can I just point out that I only put games on "What I've Been Playing this Week" if I've put good amount of time into them. Like GTA IV is on my gamercard but I was on it just while something downloaded for 10 minutes.