So I decided to take a little break from GameSpot in the last couple of weeks, but now I'm back and I have a brand new Xbox 360. On Tuesday, I got my GCSE results. Me and my Dad were pretty happy with them, so as a little treat for the 11 years of work in education, I got treated to one of these:
If you remember from my previous blogs, I mentioned that I was having problems with my near 3 YEAR OLD Xbox 360 Elite. It just randomly decided that sometimes, it was not going to read my discs and it was annoying me. But now, I have a brand new Xbox 360 slim. You may remember that I made a blog calling it the 'Worst Looking Console EVER', I'm still not the biggest fan of the new design, but other features I am LOVING! Like, for example, the enormous 250GB hard drive! I was starting the fill the 120GB on my old Elite, but now, I have plenty of room! It is also so, so quiet. My old 360 sounded like a plane taking off when running a game, but the Slim has a really nice hum to it.
So on my new 360, I'm basically going through the task of finishing all my games before the monster that is Halo: Reach hits. After a slow start, I am LOVING Borderlands. Think I am getting close, but I am going through and completing all the other missions before I do that and I am hoping that I may get 1000G on Borderlands, which would take me over 30,000G!
And Halo Reach is just 19 days away!
Till Next Time Guys.