- Dishonored
- Quantum Conundrum
- Anteworld (using Outerra engine)
- Anna
- Watch Dogs
- Miasmata
danb0 Blog
2011 games to play
by danb0 on Comments
This will be added to as I find more games I like...
- Bulletstorm [Feb 24]
- Crysis 2 [March 24]
- Portal 2 [April 21]
- Witcher 2 [May 17]
- Duke Nukem Forever [June 10]
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution [August 25]
- Dead Island [Sept 9]
- Rage [Oct 7]
- Sonic Generations [Nov 1]
- Arkham City [Nov 16]
Can't decide if I want Skyrim...
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