@Ballroompirate: I wanted to, but I felt I should restrain myself and grind it out the old fashion way.
DanceGDance's forum posts
@Ballroompirate: I am a vet from the early days of mmorpg's and have invested a lot of time into numerous games. I got good vibes from the beta, lots of stuff to do and in a freaking beautiful world to do it in. I purchased the travelers edition, I felt this way if it does die out early due to unforeseen reasons, I will have not invested too much into it.
@NeoGen85: Very nice break down of the game. I feel the same about most of these points as I invested a good amount of time into the cbt2 and came to these same conclusions. I will be purchasing the standard pre-order package for 30 dollars, I felt the game will provide with me 30 dollars worth of entertainment at the very least.
Has anyone tried Black Desert yet? I just now got my code and just now downloading the game. From what I have read and seen it looks pretty interesting.
If you own a PS4 you should give this game a go if you have not already on PC, and it does not require you to have PS+ to play.
The second Beta weekend for World of Tanks on PlayStation 4 is coming. Bring your friends for this one and Platoon up, or lose out on various exclusives!
If you missed out on the previous Open Beta, you have another chance to avoid such a mistake! The second World of Tanks on PlayStation 4 Open Beta is taking place between January 8-10, but you don't have to wait until then to download the game. During the Beta, command history's most legendary and battle-tested tank arsenals such as the United States, Germany and the Soviet Union, and take to the battlefield!
By logging in to their Garage during Beta, tankers receive two Open Beta exclusives: the T1E6-PS which sports stylish blue camouflage and the chrome M22 Locust-PS, adorned with a special color scheme honoring the original PlayStation!
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