@gilldominic @MetalDragon199 Yeah, except Crysis 3 is incredibly short. I've got 2 missions left to until I've completed the game and I've only played for a whopping 3 hours, and this is my first playthrough. Graphically its stunning but the game is really, REALLY short.
My guess is that Shadow Fall is gonna have a pretty lengthy campaign. I honestly don't know of any other reason as to why this game would be 50GB.
Nintendo IS on a path to irrelevance. The quality of their products has gone downhill. First of all, they need to ditch the "Wii" and make something thats actually good, and maybe not give it a ridiculous name this time around.
@kareem306 To be honest, I prefer switching out batteries than plugging in a controller. It's a lot quicker, and you don't have to worry about a cord being too short.
I own all Xbox consoles, all PlayStation consoles (handhelds included) except for the PS1, every Nintendo system (minus WiiU) as well as a gaming PC. I plan on getting the WiiU when Smash Brothers/Zelda/possibly a new Animal Crossing come out.
@RabidBurp @Amgadashrafshra They still could have added an offline mode, with bots. I still wouldn't buy the game if there was but at least it would actually be worth the price for people who want it.
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