First,I will insist my Tate friends here not to read this-I love them,I don't want to hurt them and I wish every tate fan be like them,but that what happen today , prooved to me how different people are.
For the others-today I feel bit**y ! You will ask why?because
1.On imdb there is a game- character elimination game-you know-you add and take a point from a characters.We can vote every half an hour.I voted,then I sa a mistake,and i corrected of the tate shippers there/yes,I'm pretty sure he/she was tate sipper/ accussed me that I don't vote correctly.Some of theplayers deffend me,but this person didn't said "I'm sorry"
2.The thread had too many posts ans imdb locked it-so we opened a new thread.I was the only person,who voted for Gibbs/for the record-kate fans asked for help and more Kate fans came to vote-I thought I can do the same.Well,I was wrong.Kate/Tate fans started to ask why do we have so many new users-I explane-I ask for help,they are my frends...etc.Then one of them said "for me all the game it's kibbs or Tate ,writting the ships with capital letters.I said that this is not Kibbsvs tate thing-we vote for characters./I writed "we vote for characters"with capital letters/.Other tate shipper told me that I'm yelling-I took a point,said "sorry"and changed the post.One of my playmates tried to deffend me and this is what she got
danielaflame/ my teammate/
Don't get me wrong,people,but this is unfair to dani101-you asked for help,right?Why she can't do the same?You also weren't heer ,when the game begin-me too-it this means that we don't play fair?Please,let's be civil.
chickasaw711/tate shipper/
Yes, let's please be civil. Let's not insult others like dani101 did to isis38 and let's not yell like dani101 did with all caps.
I felt like someone punched me-hard.Kate fans can ask for help-we can't .Then danielaflame said to me They can ask for help-we don't .They can accuse you for cheating-they were wrong,and no one said ""i'm sorry".They can write with capital letters-we can't.You can apologise for your mistakes-they can't -they are infallible. Sorry to say something like this,but that's disgusting.If they want Kate to win-let's be it.They are on their own-if that they want,they will get it.Yes,I know all this is stupid-but i's hart to accept that some people are so mean! :cry: