Don't be such an idiot, how can you be excited for a game that's been rehashed 6 years in a row? Black ops 2 will be basically the same as Call of duty 4, a game released 6 years ago. Okay so there will be more weapons, a different (but even shorter) campaign, but that is all that has been added every year for the latest COD game. And everyone buys into the bullshit about it being 'the most anticipated game ever', they say that every year. And all there doing is selling COD4's succes, even 6 years down the line they still are. So start playing some decent games man, like Skyrim, or Bioshock, or Battlefield 3. And no im not a BF3 fanboy, but it is true that, that game is a million times better that MW3 or what Black ops 2 will be, much love.
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