By the way, I should have clarified...I meant mostly games that have a physical release as well, and that are overlooked in the west, primarily.
Thanks for the suggestions so far.
Danjel_Leinad's forum posts
I recently did a video about some random games for the PS4 that I consider to be overlooked by most gamers and critics alike. Some more than others. I really like discovering games that I never heard about and/or aren't mentioned much in the main gaming websites.
I hope I can do more videos about the subject and explore more games, so i hope we can exchange suggestions on games.
I'm not creating this topic just to spam my video by the way. Feel free to ignore it, as I'm listing the games I mention in the video:
1- Senran Kagura: Estival Versus
2- The Sexy Brutale
3- Hotline Miami Collected Edition
4- Onechanbara Z2: Chaos
5- Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed
6- Little Nightmares
7- Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today
8- River City Melee: Battle Royale SP
9- Gal*Gun: Double Peace
10- Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star
11- Retro City Rampage DX
12- Gravity Rush Remastered
13- Blade Arcus from Shining EX
14- Dragon Quest Heroes
15- Tearaway Unfolded
16- OlliOlli: Epic Combo Edition
17- School Girl/Zombie Hunter
Sure, some are actually quite popular, but still...
A video I made about the stress caused by the growing backlog of games a lot of us are piling-up. Currently I often even just lose all motivation to play games just from staring at all the choices and end up watching some tv show instead. I guess some gamers can relate to this feeling. So anyway, I did a video talking about my own backlog, with games for the Switch, Xbox One, PS4 and Vita.
Thank you for watching.
About the topic itself of do you guys choose which games to cut and leave behind definitely? I find myself buying games I really want to play, but in the end, I just put them aside for months (or even for good) simply because I realize they just don't fit my "evolving" tastes. Does it make sense?
I live and work in China (Shenzhen), but I'm Portuguese. I recently started a YouTube channel to talk about gaming but also all the crazy cheap games I can get here on Taobao (it's the most popular online shopping platform in the country).
So the channel name is The Retirement Plan, and here is the link:
It currently has 11 subscribers and less than 200 views.
The most recent video I did is about the stress of having a big and growing gaming backlog. Thank you all for watching it, here:
Hello. So I live in China and here there is this huge online retailer called Taobao where one can find pretty much anything, including games. I buy tons of games from Taobao (new and old ones) and sometimes I find shops in Taobao that are clearing stock and sell boxes full of random games almost for free. I often buy those boxes and I've started doing some videos unboxing them. So far I have this one, but I'll be uploading more in the future.
I just love talking about games and it's a lot of fun for me to discover the games inside these boxes, one by one. Most of them are Japanese editions by the way.
For reference, this entire box of games cost me 120RMB (Chinese yuan), which is the same as $17!
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