Advent Rising Union Banner (Updated)
by danmorgan302 on Comments
^^^^^^more adjustments including i moved the white arc backwards to make the pictures less blurry its up to you waht you want RXB^^^^ o_O
i felt like f*cking with it hahahah so i added a render from one of my sigs i dunno how i feel about it maybe it works maybe not
^^^with this one i'd fix the layer order so the border was infront of their legs (i just wanted to show the different text layouts etc.
any changes or ideas feel free to post them and i f you know the locations of any HI-RES gideon (i think thats his name) images like the one of that froogly beast on the right feel FREE to post them also...i'd like to also thank the creator of the halo2 union banner for showing me that white arc thing it makes it look :/ well awesome haha