@Bond007uk: Ddirectly to the wall
Danno1's forum posts
Ok this idiotic error is driving me crazy, I've been getting this error(0x8027025a)at least once a week for months now and I can't figure out how to make it stop or go away long term. I have tried factory resetting and power cycling numerous times, I've tried clearing persistent storage as well as deleting and redownloading my profile. In addition I have tried exchanging for a another Xbox One S and deleting and redownloading all of the games on my external hard drives.
I used to get another error 'do you own this game or app?', but I haven't gotten that error for four months now so that error seems to have gone dormant for the foreseeable future. I'm truly baffled and very frustrated by this 'took too long' error though, I don't understand wny I'm getting it on a regular basis. One year ago I almost never got this error, now its happening all the time. Why? Does anyone know how to make this stupid error stop?
Just a couple of other facts for everyone A. I'm hardwired with a good connection and reliable speeds. B. Only one profile and I don't gameshare with anyone.
I've been playing AC Odyssey for awhile now and under the controls it says press left on the d-pad for your 2nd bow and ranged weapon. Here's the thing, my Alexios character is lvl 34 and for some reason I still can only use one bow. The game is no help as it does NOT tell me how to unlock the ability to use two different bows, wth am i missing here? Can someone help? Thanks.
I'm really on the fence about buying Odyssey because I hear that unlike Origins, Odyssey does not give the player the option to turn off enemy level scaling. I did play through and beat Origins without ever turning off the level scaling, but if Odyssey is consistently hard all the time that's another story. I'm not gonna enjoy Odyssey if the difficulty is like Bloodborne and The Surge.
So far none of the Gamestop's in my are have pre-owned copies yet. If anyone can give me an idea of what to expect difficulty wise in Odyssey i'd appreciate it. Does Odyssey get easier with gear upgrades and power upgrades? Thanks.
I'm considering buying Hitman 2016, but I'd like to know how hardcore stealth the game is .By that I mean can you go loud and get away with it like in Dishonored or will you die quickly if you run around shooting and meleeing people? Secondly how much actual stealth combat is there in this Hitman game? Are there long sections where you have to sneak around and not kill anyone? I don't like that kind of stealth where you aren't allowed to use weapons at all.
@phbz: I'm not trying to troll at all, I'm just upset. I took your advice too, I was out of switches, but I talked to Xbox customer support tonight and they renewed my switches. So my XB1S is now set as my home console, but I kinda doubt that was the issue.
I truly don't know what the issue is, it is truly an anomaly to me. That being said I do like Xbox for the few exclusives that they do have. Halo, Gears and Forza I all enjoy. I'm not a hardcore 'Playstation 4 or nothing' fanboy, but my PlayStation 4 has proven to reliable for a long time unlike Xbox One. My provider said that there were no problems with my internet so I'm certain the problem isn't my router. The only that comes to mind is an issue with my Live account, but I've tried deleting and readding my account(just one, only me, no friends) and that hasn't helped either so idk.
I appreciate your opinion, but I only have two devices in my apartment. One is my XB1, the other my PS4. I don't own any other Microsoft products that aren't Xbox and I'm satisfied with the service from my provider. To me that clearly that Xbox is the source of my problems.
@hawken: Give Gamestop a try if you really want to buy an Xbox One. They offer a 1 year($30) or 2 year($50) in store warranty plan. Meaning that if your Xbox One gives you problems you can exchange it for another one directly. Me personally though, I refuse to buy another Xbox product until Microsoft permanently fixes the error problems.
Well forgive me if I sound like a troll, but I'm mad and I've F'ing had it with Xbox One and all of the stupid problems with Xbox Live! I've troubleshooted with Xbox customer so many times, i've exchanged my Xbox One several times, I have good wired internet connection. Despite all of this that F'ing took too long to start error never goes away. Never! Wtf Microsoft Wtf? My 3 plus three years old PS4 has none of these error problems.
I may sound like a drunken sailor to some of you, but I don't think I'm out of place. I am not buying any more Xbox One games unless its Halo 6 or Gears 5. Microsoft better have their S*** together with the Xbox One successor, that's all I've got to say!
@blackhairedhero: Spiderman is installed to my external hard drive, do I need to worry about my game saves being deleted if uninstall and reinstall Spiderman?
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