has a great price, some good titles metroid mario ssb, neat control thing, offers a lot of fun
virtual console is pretty cool but i alrealdy have thousands of games loaded up on my dreamcast and computer that this feature is useless to me, already beat twilight princess a long time ago back in nov on gamecube, the lineup of titles is definitley very weak and some of the games i can already play on gamecube (RE4) weak graphics, some games that in the last generation would have gotten ported to gamecube wont or will be of diminised quality. Nintendo has a weak online makeup and im starting to believe that ssb wont even be online.
The wii is definitly a fun console for a great price but it just doesnt seem to be the console that fits me best. The wii i believe has become the next ipod to these gaming newbies and most of them wont venture into software other than wii sports. I can have a much funner and enthralling experience on a better console that is truly next gen. The only reason i would purchase a wii is for metroid but i plan on borrowing my friends while hes on vacation or something just to play that game. Of coursei cant tell you how to spend yor money so make your choice about which system fits you best.
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