Well, I like it. I hate having to put the stupid disc in the drive.I use NO-CD FIXES for all my PC Games.
I personally feel that Morrowind with the graphics mods looks much better than oblivion.Bethesda makes great graphics engines but they execute them very poorly.It is a little strange. Look how horrible faces look in oblivion.I hate the character generation in Oblivion. They just look terrible.And yes Morrowind is a much better game than Oblivion could ever be.I gave up playing Oblivion. It is just too stupid.Laterz
I have heard that Gamerang is the Best in the Texas area. I am thinking of going with them myself soon.I had gameflix as well and the turnaround takes forever. I really do not think it is the fault of Gamefly though.They just do not have a dist. center in Texas. Just my 2 cents
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