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10 Things

I've just come off another week of night shift and insane work on the website, thus I feel the need to compartmentalize my thoughts. Leeeeeeeeeets......go:

1) According to Brian Ekberg, the true way to spell 'Pimp' is, in fact, 'Peeump'. Take note.

2) For years I've had a rule that I only play scary games with all the lights off, wearing headphones. Call of Cthulhu was previously my benchmark for scary, but Dead Space took over earlier today. Im at least 50 minutes into the game and already change my underwear like, 14 times.

3) One line in the Gears of War campaign made me cry  lilttle; 'I dont know what to do, i dont know what to do man'. Really wasn't expecting any emotion from GOW but there you go. It joins a very small list of games that have made me leak.

4) Fallout 3 is neck and neck with GTA4 for my game of the year.

5) I havent played Fable 2 in over 14 days. What a November release calander.

6) Im sort of looking forward to the new Xbox dashboard.

7) I was working the Lich King launch in my local HMV. Interesting Night.

Ate) Daily visits to the site are up 150%. Thanks to the increased popularity of our podcast and an amazing review team.

9) We had a great responce to the Citizen Game community nights last weekend and expect as much frantic Left4Dead and Gears 2 action this weekend. If you play games on Steam, join our community.

10) Next week we have an exclusive review with the creators of the insanely popular Street Fighter: The Later Years, ahead of the show's convertioned to mainstream television.