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...And Yet It Reviews

Hey everybody,

Just a post about stuffs. I recently reviewed a great indy game called '...And Yet It Moves'. It's a superb game available via Steam which is worthy of anybodys time. Check out the video below and click here for the written review. I've been trying to practise my writing skills as much as possible these past few months(reviewing games I wouldn't play usually and such), so any feedback (pos or neg) would be greatly appreciated!


Insanely busy at the moment working on video for my own website, but also had the chance to review Peggle a week ago. (Click here for the Gamespot version of that). I'll be posting a super huge update about that video content once we've wrapped on it. Its been months in creation for a good reason, cant wait to have it done and out there for internet consumtion. The site still has loads of news, podcasts and reviews going up in the meantime. Oh and I was on radio again last week explaining to the nation of Ireland about the wonders of 'OnLive': check it out!!!

Apart from that I'm awaiting word about my girlfriends possible job in London, im working 35 hours a week in the only recession proof CD shop left in the UK and training for the annual Cork City Marathon (up to 12km a day now - good bye flab!).

Happy Easter everybody, oh and cheers to everyone whos visited my blog here on Gamespot over the past 18 months. Just had a look and I'm a stones throw from 100,000 views, which is pretty bewildering, thanks again!

- Danny

PS: Summers coming!
PPS: Red Faction BETA is pretty amazing, might put up a video on it soon.
PPPS: Blitz: The League 2 is perfect for people who cant play football, but love rupturing testicles!