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Bloody Minecraft

So right now I'm sitting on copies of Rage, F1 2011, FIFA 12, Dead Island, Forza 4, Trackmania 2: Canyon, The Binding of Issac. Even more embarrassingly I've still yet to properly complete Deus Ex: Human Revolution or Gears 3.

I've been waiting months for some of these games, but ever since Chris (Gamespot UK's video wizard) set up our staff Minecraft server, I've gone into a block-laying relapse.

We're planning on opening up the server to Gamespot users real soon, so maybe I'm doing it to make sure I've something to show for myself once people stary flooding in. Minecrafting for some sort of social acceptance? yea, that fits in with my personality pretty well.


So here is my addition to the server, a big vomiting Christ the Redeemer with an underwater church/ravine and some game sprites. Welcome to my Church of Gaming!

Church of Gaming

Seriously though, need to stop this bloody addition and play some real games. Perhaps if I take up this "heroin" all my neighbours seem to be on.