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Bluffers of Battlefield - Feedback Post

Hey all,

So I'm looking to do something different with Bluffer's Guide this time around. First of all, seen as I'm still doing them about games series' (as so many new releases are coming out, this won't be the case come mid November) I've had to launch them very close to the games release date. The next episode, about the Battlefield series, will be coming out a fortnight ahead of BF3's release in an effort to get more of a conversation going. Hopefully this means it'll be up on Friday, but it may slip to Monday as we're working on a few cool projects this week.

As I've a bit more time to play with I thought it would be cool to try somthing different on the show - namely involve user involvement to get the script together. This may involve direct quoting submission or just using the information to create a more accurate guide - honestly I haven't decided yet and it sort of depends on the submissions.

So to that end, I'd love to hear what you guys think of the past games in the Battlefield series, namely; 1942, Vietnam, BF2, Bad Company and the various expansion packs and mods (Desert Combat especially).

Drop your thoughts in the comments below and lets see what happens :)
