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Citizen Game Returns

Citizen Game

My labour of love went live a few hours ago.

I've spent the past 4 months developing the site in our new location in London with a fantastic group of guys. I spent a long time brainstorming about the aspects of games websites, and games journalism that I feel are odds with the common gamer. The PR/Newswire cycle that ends when the game hits shelves, the lack of entertainment in an entertainment medium, and a lot more.

This is my attempt at what games websites should be, or at least what I can get away with, with a team of freelance contributers with fulltime jobs. Weekly videos, the return our weekly podcast (new format), articles from some of the best games writers in the UK and loads more.

Apparently I'm one of the most visited and followed users on all of Gamespot. In the 3 years on this site I've written articles, shot videos and covered foreign events from this humble blog. If you think my content was worth your time on Gamespot, I'd love for you to see whats coming up on on CG. It's a geniune attempt at creating a better type of games media.

Join the revolution :)
