I'm not a huge fan of American Football, and it's another American sport that isn't received that well received in this corner of the world. To us any athleticism is stunted by the constant stopping and starting, to us it looks like a game of skill swallowed by tactics and statistics.
Which oddly enough seems to be the attraction to other people. I think its a knowledge thing. Most of the time when I catch a late-night match on NASN, I'm praying for an interception, fumble or Hail Mary. Probably because that's about the weight of my understanding of the game. With the exception of Brutal Sports Football (Amiga) there is only one American Football Game I've ever been able to grips with. Many an evening myself and my brother would sit around my Sega Mega Drive and boot up the NHL/NFL Double-Cartridge to sink our teeth into Madden 95.
My brother, who now works in sports television, always had a great skill when it came to tactics no matter what the sport. He has an eye for learning how to take out opposing teams. I'm severly lacking in that department, but I had one thing. I had the Hail Mary, and I used it ignorantly often!
1st and 10? - Hail Mary
4th and 84- Hail Mary
Field Goal - Screw that, fake Field Goal - Hail Mary.
My simple 9 year old brain couldn't get to grips with the finery of plays, audibles and fakes, but I figured if i learned that one play well enough, I could dishearten my brother enough to win the odd match.
I don't understand Football, much like most foreigners don't understand our games. But tonight, like millions of others around the world, I'll stay up until 11pm with my dad, get a few beers and enjoy the global event that is the Super Bowl. A spectacle of skill, athleticism and wonderful American exuberance.
Happy Super-Bowl Day America!
I'm praying for a few Hail Marys :P