So myself and the guys are working on a piece about genre fatigue - basically how bored a lot of people have gotten with a specific type of game. The genre we're focusing on is military shooters with an eye on COD/MW.
We're early in the process of writing but we'd like to include input from Gamespot users in some sort of way; flashing up quotes on the screen, mentioning them in the peice or some such. It's a subject with much varying opinion so we want to make sure we cover as many of them as possible
So if you want to be involved, post what you think in reply to this post, or if you're not sure what you think, just answer the following questions.
1) Are you fatigued with shooters? Yes/No and explain why.
2) Do you play shooters for the campaign or multiplayer?
3) What is your favourite shooter series?
4) Are there other genre's you used to love that you don't enjoy playing anymore? Why?
And just because I hate posting blogs with an image, here's a shot of me wielding a massive purple member.